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Production Red

 Production Red chickens were developed from Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshire Reds for efficient brown egg production.  Production Red chicks vary in shades of red with some having darker streaks down the back.  They have single combs and clean legs and feet.  Adults have a feather color that varies from the dark shade of red that is associated with the Rhode Island Red, to the lighter red of the New Hampshire Red. Production Red chickens are considered a dual-purpose breed, but because of their small body size will not produce a large amount of meat.  This is not an exhibition show chicken but a great production layer and pet chicken for your backyard.  Order some Production Red chickens today!

Approx. 240 – 280 Lg. Brown Eggs/Yr. | 

  • Weights: Hen:  7 lbs       Rooster:  9 lbs

  • Purpose and Type: Production, Egg; Pet

  • Color of Egg Shell: Light Brown

  • Egg Production: 240-280 eggs per year

  • Egg Size: Large

  • Temperament: Docile

Production Red

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